What is this?
Idle slayer Script, Idle Slayer AC, Idle Slayer AutoClicker, Idle Slayer Auto Clicker
How to make it run?
(Works only with the Steam Version on Windows)
You have two options:
1) Run with _.exe files (easy):
- Go to Github Releases
- Download
Idle Runner_x64.exe
orIdle Runner_x32.exe
depending on your System. - Run
Idle Runner_x64.exe
/Idle Runner_x32.exe
2) Run with source code (harder):
If you do not trust the exe files or your antivirus won’t let you run it then you can do the following:
Download the Source Code and unzip it.
Download and install AutoIt Full Installation AND AutoIt Script Editor. ( You need to install both )
Right-click the file
Idle Runner.au3
and clickCompile with Options
In the menu click
Compile Script
It will generate exe files which should run without issue.
Mandatory Settings:
Resolution of the game needs to be 1280x720 and Windowed.
The game must be in English.
Game needs to be in focus, if not it will only jump.
Optional Settings:
Bonus stage 2 will only be completed check Skip Bonus Stage otherwise.
Ascension Upgrade Protect is needed to complete Bonus Stage 2.
Do NOT buy the Vertical Magnet.
Disable dialogue for Portal in setting.
Enable rounded bulk in setting.
Enable hide locked quest rewards in setting.
Ascension Upgrade Leadership Master is needed for claiming minions otherwise it will not claim them.
Use Anna or Roy for Ascending Heights
For Bossfights only:
Use Anna or Roy.
Use Bat Long bow or a Multishot Bow.
It only works after you beat him in the story mode
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For additional assistance or to connect with a community, join the Idle Slayer Scripting Discord Server
What can it do?
• Everything the game offers with Human Performance if not better.